The Prosperity Show Podcast

Lately, because I’ve been doing more energy activations, I want to learn more about the science and the different forms of what’s often called energy healing. In this episode, I talk about how I combine both energy healing and ChatGPT in my quest for information.

Here is a summary of the key points from the transcript:

  • I have been doing energy work for a long time but am now being more open about it. I don't like to use the word "healing" because it implies the healer does something to you. I believe energy work activates your own healing power within.
  • It started for me in the 1970s when I got a message to buy crystals. I started selling them and doing energy treatments to help people use them. I saw astounding results even though there were no books or internet back then to learn from.
  • I believe when you have energy work done, it activates your own healing power within. We all have that power - if you've ever had a cut heal, that's your healing power. It can work on emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.
  • I'm interested in the science of how energy healing works.
  • I've tried many techniques like acupuncture, cranial sacral, and polarity therapy. I believe our bodies run on energy and "dis-ease" is often caused by energy blocks.
  • There are now schools for learning energy healing techniques - I never trained, I just followed my guidance.
  • We all have psychic and energy abilities; it's finding what works for you. Trust your intuition when exploring techniques.
  • Energy healing helps improve the energy flow in your body/mind/spirit.
  • Energy healing can change financial results too because money is an energy exchange between people or commercial entities.
  • When you feel drained, your energy needs a boost.
  • In my Energy Activations, I intuit where to put my hands and can feel emotions stuck there. I make sounds to release the emotions and pain.
  • I don't fully understand how this all works. But releasing stuck energies can relieve pain better than drugs that just suppress issues.
  • I want to teach people not to fear their emotions. Feeling and expressing them helps you feel better in body, mind, spirit, and allows you to be yourself, not follow others blindly.


Click here if you want to chat about my Energy Activations

Download the “conversation” I had with ChatGPT.

The Energized Tibetan Crystals

Article: The Truth about the Power of Crystals & Stones

The MetaMind Circle

Direct download: TPS572-EnergyHealing.mp3
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